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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Warbird Quartet at the Spring Bling - video 4

Warbird Quartet at the Spring Bling - video 3

Warbird Quartet at the Spring Bling - video 2

Warbird Quartet at the Spring Bling - video 1

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Zach Sharp and his brother fighting with pingpong paddles...2 minutes and 18 seconds long.

Cory downhill...no hands and peace!

Biking with the cousins

Biking with the cousins

Biking with the cousins

Jason and the Tire...and me screaming

Ice Cream + Trombone + Cory

floppy Cory


Cory and I yelling

Bag boy - Cory

Biking with the cousins over the Easter weekend, Jason pulls a sweet wheelie!
